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Picha: Kanisa Linaloruhusu Waumini Kuabudu Wakiwa Uchi Mnyama

Freedom: Pastor Allen Parker said he came to the decision to allow naked worship after concluding his flock should be free to forgo materialism and the 'pretense' of clothing if they desire
Kanisa moja nchini Marekani limeamua kuchukua mkondo wa kutisha kuendesha ibada zao kwa kuruhusu waumini wake kuenda kanisani wakiwa uchi wa mnyama.

Pastor Allen Parker, mkuu wa kanisa la White Tail Chapel lililopo kijiji cha Southhampton aliamua kuchukua hatua hio baada ya kuona kuwa makanisa mengine huvalia nguo bila ya matakwa yao, yaani kama kujilazimisha ili kuridhisha watu kanisani. Waumini wake aliwapatia uhuru wa kuvalia vile watakavyo wao ikiwemo kuingia kanisani wakiwa uchi.

Pastor huyo pia anaamini kuwa yuko katika mkondo ulio sawa kwani watu kadhaa waliotajwa katika biblia mara moja au nyingine washaonyeshwa wakiwa uchi ikiwemo Yesu ambaye alisulubiwa akiwa uchi na pia wakati wa kufufuka kwake.

Waumini wengine waliamua kuingia kanisani humo wakiwa uchi mnyama ilhali wengine waliamua kuonyesha baadhi ya sehemu zao nyeti na wengine wakaamua wavalie tu manguo ya kuwastiri.

Ukistaajabu ya musa utaona ya firauni....

Equal: The idea is that nudity is 'the great equaliser', reminding all those gathered in the church that they are simple human beings beneath their clothing 
Although the church allows worshipers to attend services fully naked, many have decided they would rather continue to attend fully clothed, particularly in mid-winter 
Pastor Allen Parker believes there's not a feeling that worshipers have to be physically better than one another in his church. He said: 'We're humans, we have scars, we have what we have' 
Marriage: The White Tail Chapel even hosts naked weddings. One couple to opt for the nude service were Robert and Katie Church 
Different: Many worshipers opt to just reveal certain parts of their body, such as their breasts or genitals, rather than go fully nude 
naked sermonnaked sermon
Halafu usisahau kusoma ile stori ya pastor aliyempima imani Mungu kwa kutembea juu ya maji kama vile Yesu
Picha: Kanisa Linaloruhusu Waumini Kuabudu Wakiwa Uchi Mnyama Picha: Kanisa Linaloruhusu Waumini Kuabudu Wakiwa Uchi Mnyama Reviewed by Admin on Tuesday, February 11, 2014 Rating: 5

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